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12' Century complete pool package regularly $3894.90 on end of year clearance for $2795.00...

27' (all resin) Saratoga by Wilbar complete pool package regularly $5495.00 on end of year clearance for $4495.00...

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bl adams1stWe are in a wonderful southern climate, but sometimes we close our swimming pool for the Winter. 

Here are 7 steps to open your pool.

We can open the pool, but if you choose to do it yourself, it is quite easy. All you need is a friend, and the right supplies and it shouldn't take much time.

1. Clear Pool Cover

Remove all leaves, debris and water from the top of the cover.  The easiest way to remove the water is with a submersible pool cover pump or basement sump pump.

Us a soft broom or skimmer net to remove the leaves and debris. A sharp object may damage the cover.  The more debris you get off the cover now, the less debris that could fall into the water while removing the cover.

2. Remove The Winter Pool Cover, Clean & Store it.

Carefully remove the cover without getting any debris into the pool. Using proper cleaning equipment and chemicals will sanitize and clean your pool if some dirt does get in.

Use water and a mild cleaner on your cover.  Lay it out flat on your lawn and brush it to wash down and clean your cover.

Use a tightly covered plastic container to store you winter cover during the season. This will keep mice and critters from making a home in your cover.

3. Remove Plugs

Check around your pool to make sure all plugs are removed from all openings in your pool including the return jet and skimmer bucket.  If you skimmer bucket has an ice compensator in it, remove it now.

Replace your skimmer baskets and check the fittings into the return line.

4. Set Up Your Pump, Filter & Other Equipment

Replace all the drain plugs, gauges, and other pieces to your filter system, pump and other equipment.

Then, connect all the hoses to your equipment.
  • Attach a hose from your skimmer to your pump.
  • Attach a hose from your pump to your filter.
  • Attach a hose from your filter to your heater, chlorinator, or any other extra filter equipment. If you don't have any, attach the hose directly to the return inlet.

If you have a multiport valve, make sure it's turned to the Filter position.

5. Start Your Pump & Filter

Turn on the power to your pool. At this point make sure the system starts up. Check for any leaks or drips, make sure the ground wires are properly connected to the pump.

6. Clean Up Your Pool

If your pool is clean and clear, congratulations! If it's not, it's time to get your hands dirty.

Before adding any start-up chemicals, you must clean your pool. This includes: brushing the walls and hard-to-reach places, vacuuming the pool floor and skimming the surface.

7. Add Start-Up Chemicals

Now it's time to add the start-up chemicals. Take a sample of your pool water to your nearest pool dealer and ask for a complete water test to get your pool water balanced.

After adding the proper balancing chemicals, I recommend shocking your pool using 2 lbs of shock for every 10,000 gallons of pool water or 5 gallons of liquid shock per 20,000 gallons of pool water. This is what we refer to as double shocking.  You should do this at dusk or night time to ensure a proper shocking.
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Above Ground Pool Tips