Spring is the best time to start planning for your new above ground pool. Use these essentials to help you prepare.
Prepare Your Pool Site
Your new pool needs to be installed on level ground. If your site is sloped, you must make it level. A simple shovel or a Bobcat will help to prepare the site. Whatever you use, the pool should be installed on any soil treated with petroleum-based chemicals. Also, it should not be installed on grass, concrete, asphalt, tar paper, peat moss, gravel, mulch, or wood.Spending a little time prepping the site could save you some problems in the future.
Siting Your Pool
Choose the right location for your pool. The first thing you should do is check your local building codes and see if the pool needs to be a certain distance from property lines, septic tanks, and roads. You will also want to avoid underground cables, pipes, and roots, as well as overhead power lines, trees, and eaves.Consider how much privacy you want, and the ease to supervise children, how you will secure the pool from wandering children and pets. How will the above ground pool look in your preferred location. Consider nearby trees. Trees provide welcome shade. Trees drop leaves, blossoms, and other organic material, they can also—depending on how far into the fall you use your pool.