With high temperatures in the greater Houston area, your pool faces hot weather challenges.  You’ll need to adjust your pool maintenance strategy to compensate. Here are Casual Patio's top tips.

black algae in swimming pool cured by casual patioBeat Back Algae Growth

The UV rays degrade and dissipate chlorine, our first line of defense against algae. Did you know on an especially sunny day an optimal chlorine level can be diminished in as little as two hours?

It is a good idea to conduct your chemical testing more frequently when it’s hot. If you test chlorine levels every other day, switching to daily can help you stay on top of when and how much chlorine to add. When testing: the chlorine level should be 2.0 to 4.0 ppm, the pH level should be 7.2 to 7.6, total alkalinity between 80-120 ppm and the cyanuric acid should be at least 30 to 90 ppm.

Stay on Top of Sanitizer Levels

Hot weather usually means more pool use, too! The increased bather load brings increased organics with it. The sun’s UV rays are another cause of increased sanitizer consumption.

If you have a salt chlorine generator, you’ll most likely want to either supplement with granular chlorine or turn your purifier percentages up until the heat wave passes. While salt chlorine generators are convenient, they’re not smart enough to change their own percentages to compensate for increased heat and bather load.

We also highly recommend using a non-chlorine shock treatment weekly to destroy additional organic contaminants, which also put a demand on the sanitizer levels.

Additionally, always ensure that your filtering system is properly maintained and functions well, especially when bather load is heavier than normal. Properly maintained filters and sanitizer levels are critical to keep your water safe for all to enjoy.

Skim the Surface

Decaying plant matter is another cause of algae growth, so if you notice more debris than usual, skim more frequently.

And Remember…

  • Shock your pool weekly
  • Use algaecide regularly
  • Run your pump at least 10-12 hours daily

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