AutumnBreeze.Ov-350ONE: Chemicals, Test Strips & Kits

Before you get started, be sure you have all the chemicals and water testing kits.  If you live in the Houston TX area, contact us and be sure you have all your supplies ready.

TWO: Remove the Pool Cover

If you have a solid pool cover, the first step is to use a cover pump to remove standing. Take time and remove as much of the water and debris as possible; this simplifies the whole process. Do NOT place the cover pump near or over a seam or you may be draining water from the pool.

If you have a mesh covers, we suggest adding pool shock to the water about 2 weeks before you plan to open your pool.  To do this, pull back a corner and, pour the shock into the water then re-cover the pool.

THREE: Store your Pool Cover

After removing the cover, clean, dry and inspect it for rips or holes.  Now it the time to patch it - If you are in the Houston area, call us and we can get you a cover patch kit right away.   You may need to replace it if you find large tears or holes.  Now dry and fold the cover before you pack it away for the season.  Use a large bag or sack to prevent varmints, rodents & insects from getting at it.

FOUR: Fill Your Pool

Remove all plugs from the inlet or skimmer, and the skimmer guards.  Add fresh water to your pool, filling to a level that is two-thirds of the way up the skimmer faceplate / opening. Inspect the skimmer for any possible cracks or leaks.

FIVE: - Prepare the Filter & Pump

Inspect the pump and filter system and ensure all lines are open and free of debris.  Pull out the manufacturers' instructions and  start the pump & filter system.  Check the filter for leaks at the equipment connections.  You may need to backwash your filter.

SIX: - Clean the Pool Floor

Sticks, leaves or other "stuff" should be removed. If the pool bottom is not properly cleaned, all of the chlorine you add will be consumed at the bottom of the pool! A pool that is free of debris may still have cloudy water, but this is a much easier and less expensive problem to deal with.

SEVEN: Start the Filtration System & Vacuum the Pool

Add a clarifier and start the Filter System.  If yo have one, start your automatic pool cleaner and vacuum the pool.  Don't forget to bush the walls.

EIGHT: Shock the Water

When first opening your pool, use 2X the normal dosage for your pool's capacity or automatic feeder. Allow the pool water to circulate overnight. If you have questions about which pool shock is best for you, give us a call. You may need to backwash the filter, and clean or replace filter cartridges / change DE if the water condition is poor.

NINE: Test Your Water

After your pool has been cleaned, it is time to test the water.  Remember to test using new strips, because th accuracy degrades as the test strips sit for a year.

TEN: Install Accessories

Place the ladders, and steps - take a dip.

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