Hot tubbing is so relaxing and has wonderful health benefits but our hair and skin can suffer if we don't implement so me basic skin and hair care steps.

Alway stay hydrated before and afer your hot tub soaks.  Drink plenty of water. Adding lemon slices makes it tasty and refreshing.

It might not be a good idea to have lotion on before you jump in however a slathering of lotion after will keep your skin cells plumped up minimizing the appearance of dipply skin.  Some products around the house work wonderfully such as olive oil and cold pressed coconut oil.

Using a quality leave in hair conditioner is key to keeping those locks moisturized. Also, make sure to pin up your hair so it isn't soaking up those chemicals.

Lip balm is one often forgotton skin care product.  Peeling and dry lips are not so attratctive or comfortable.

Last, you may want to condider purchasing a water conditioning product to help offset the effects of the chemicals.